The idea is to get aluminum the plate hot enough to sizzle when the food is added and continue cooking, and enough to keep the food hot as the dish is served. Depending on your recipe, it might require the addition of a little oil on the plate, or left it as.
For recipes with no oil, turn on the boiler of your oven to 500º degrees Fahrenheit. For those with oil, choose a temperature slightly below the smoke point of the oil you are using, approximately 300º F to 390º F. Place the aluminum section of the plate in the top level of the oven for 10 minutes.
When you are ready to place food on it, carefully remove the sizzle plates from the heat with a pair of pliers or tongs, and set them into wood underliners, making sure to align them into the groves.
Place the cooked food on the sizzle plates and serve immediately. Be careful adding food to the plate, especially sauces and oils which may splatter onto the server or diner. Using a protective apron and or oven mitts is a good idea when working with the hot plates.
Although the sizzling will slow down quickly, the aluminum plate will remain extremely hot for some time, so always remind the diners of the hot plate.
Never place the aluminum plate in the microwave, as it will produce an arc inside the microwave that could damage the microwave and possibly cause a fire.