Black Clay, La Chamba Oval Casserole
Rating: 4.67/5
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Thursday, 08 September 2016
One of my favorite kitchen items, I own a couple of these things and love cooking with them. They do require more care and initial sealing. I usually boil a mix of milk and water in mine and have not had a problem. I believe you can also boil plantains in them as well to do the sealing. Once you seal them, they have alway been easy for me to clean. I just use a scrubby sponge with no soap and hot water. When I first bought them I had a gas stove, now I have an electric...I will admit, they work better on gas. I have yet to find a good diffuser for the electric stove. They say you can use them directly on the electric burner, but I am not convinced that clay on the burner is a great idea, and they recommend that you use a diffuser. They are not recommended for glass top stoves and induction would not work without a suitable diffuser. Be aware that these are handmade items...the lids don`t fit exactly perfect and the sizes are estimated. I use mine in oven now more than thing you need to keep in mind is that you should not put these in a pre-heated oven. If you have a recipe that requires the oven to be pre-heated, this is not the container to use. For stews and casseroles that you can put in the oven as it is heating, you are golden.Johnnycakes
Monday, 28 March 2016
I am very satisfied with the product and the experience of the purchase.Sharon R.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
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Excellent to back with, stew turned out great, meat was very tender. Beautiful bakeware, goes straight from the oven to the table and looks "classy".Kelly Campbell